Friday, January 20, 2023

Richard Pace and Francis Poythress, November 11, 1718

The following refers to a second tract of land in Richard Pace's name. This land was about a mile south and west of Richard Pace, Sr.'s homestead. It was bounded on its southern line by Charles Higdon, Roger Reese and John Williams in the year 1683. Richard Pace, Sr., died before February 14, 1677/8. The deeds for 1715 to 1718 were made between Richard Pace, Sr.'s grandson, Richard Pace, and Major Francis Poythress' son, Francis Poythress.

Richard Pace, Sr's grandson, Richard, has been claimed to be the son of George Pace and the son of James Pace. More about this later.

On the Charles City County, Virginia, map, this land is shown as an approximation. On April 20, 1682, Major Francis Poythress was granted 750 acres in Charles City County, previously the land of Thomas Morgan, deceased, and found to escheat by a jury on August 3, 1681. This land was probably the land adjacent to Richard Pace in the 1718 deeds and subsequently became the land of his son, Francis Poythress.

To all &c whereas &c now know ye that I the said Nicholas Spencer Esq. President &c do with the advice and consent of the Councill of State accordingly give and grant unto Mr. John Williams a tract of land containing eight hundred forty two acres two rods and twenty five poles of land, lying & being in the County of Charles Citty, & in the parish of Westopher on ye south side of James River, & on ye north side of ye Blackwater maine swamp, viz: beginning att a corner pine belonging to ye land of Mr. Daniell Higdon, & runneth thence along ye said Higdons land west one hundred twenty two poles, to ye line of Wm. Edmunds, thence along ye said Edmunds line, south southeast sixty four poles, & south ninety eight poles to Wm. Edmunds corner, being a black oake, standing on a Branch that goes up to ye land of the old Town, thence south southeast, forty six poles to a small oake, thence southeast one hundred sixty four poles to a corner pine, thence east two hundred twenty two poles, to a corner spanish oake, thence south two hundred & sixty poles to a corner pine, thence east one hundred fifty two poles, crossing the head of Tanners Branch to a small black oake saplin standing in ye line of Coll. Edward Hill, thence along ye said Hills line, north two degrees westerly two hundred & fifty poles crossing Tanners Branch to a corner pine, thence northwest one hundred thirty three poles, crossing Scotch Branch to a corner pochickory, thence north and by west crossing ye Blackwater path twenty nine poles to a corner black oake, thence northwest and by north three hundred poles to ye line of Richard Paces corner, thence along Pace’s line west ninety three poles to Richard Pace’s corner, thence south southwest nine degrees westerly thirty poles to ye place we began including ye aforesaid eight hundred forty two acres two rods & twenty five poles of land, ye said land being due unto him ye said Mr. John Williams by & for ye transportation of seventeen persons into this Colony, whose names are in ye records mentioned under this Pattent to have & to hold &c to be held &c yielding & paying &c provided &c dated this twentieth day of November one thousand six hundred eighty three. Richard Haner, Geo. Adams, Sarah Kidmore, Tho. Pettison, Antho: Bon, Jona: Elizer, Bartho: Swinboar--, --ter Atkins, Roger --ffet, James Rowland, Ann Tucker, Geo: Archer, Hugh James, Jeff Newel, Susan Mills, Jane Mills, Jane Long. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents 7, p. 334.]

To all &c Whereas &c Now Know ye that I the said Thomas Lord Culpepper &c do with the consent of the Council of State accordingly give and grant unto Mr. Danniell Higdon and Mr. Roger Reese an irregular tract of land containing two hundred sixty five acres one rod & thirteene poles of land lying and being in the County of Charles City, and in the Parish of Westover, and on the south side of James River, (vizt) beginning att a corner dogwood bush standing on the lower Kings field Branch, & runneth thence west along the line of Richard Pace, crossing the upper Kings field Branch, and the long poynt Branch three hundred thirty seven poles, to the line of John Williamsons to a corner black oake, thence southeast and by south three hundred poles, crossing the upper Kings field Branch along the said Williamsons Creek to a corner black oake, thence south and by east crossing the Blackwater path, twenty nine poles to John Williamsons corner being a pock hickory, thence still along the said Williamsons line southeast one hundred thirty three chaines (should be poles) crossing Scotch Branch to a corner pine standing on the line of Coll. Edward Hill, thence along the said Hills line north two degrees westerly three hundred and sixty poles to Coll. Hills corner being a corner black oake, thence still along the said Hills line east five degrees northerly eighty eight poles to a small corner pock hickory standing on the lower Kings field Branch, thence down the branch north northeast fourteen poles to the place we began including the aforesaid two hundred sixty five acres one rod thirteene poles of land, the said land being due by and for the transportation of six persons into this Colony whose names are mentioned in the records under this Pattent. To have and to hold &c To be held &c yielding & paying &c provided &c Dated the sixteenth day of April one thousand six hundred eighty and three. Robert Hix, Phillip Rose, Robt. Slye, Mary Cooper, Ann Lawes, Ren. Crickett. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents 7, 274-275.]

July 12, 1715. Francis Poythress of the Parish of Westopher, County of Prince George, to Peter Grammar of same parish and county, for £10, 100 acres in same parish and county, on Holly Bushes Branch on the line of Richard Pace, and said Poythress...Wit: E. Goodrich, Wm Hamelin. Francis Poythress. [Pr. Geo. Co., Wills and Deeds, P. G. B. 1715-1728, p. 63.]

November 11, 1718. In case of Richard Pace vs Michael Rosser, Jr., deft. pleads nil debit and case referred for trial. (Case was continued until summer of 1719 when it came to trial. Rosser was required to pay Richard Pace 415 lbs. tobacco for a debt, possibly on rents on the Rosser Plantation now owned by Richard). [Pr. Geo. Co., Court Orders & Returns of Executions, 1714-1720, p. 260, Merchants Hope.]

November 11, 1718. Frances Poythress, the Elder, of Westover Parish, Prince George County, to Richard Pace of the same, “for divers good causes and considerations him there unto wavering but more especially for and in consideration of the value of One hundred pounds Sterling to him in hand paid by the said Richard Pace” for the land “Whereon the said Richard Pace now liveth, the plantation whereon Joseph Carter, Edward Crossland, Thomas Kirkland, & Michael Rosser Senr. Liveth...being about four hundred acres bounded on the lands of the said Francis Poythress according to several Lines of Marked Trees lately made between the said Francis and the said Richard.” ff. Poythress. Wit: Peter Wynne, John (B) Bonner, Thomas Poythress. Recorded December 9, 1718. [Pr. Geo. Co., Wills and Deeds, p. 269.]

November 11, 1718. Frances Poythress of Westover Parish, Prince George County, to Thomas Goodwyn of Surry County, “Witnesseth that the said Fra. Poythress for full and satisfactory consideration to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Goodwynn” (not mentioning any amount of money) for One hundred acres in the P’sh of Westover & County of Prince George bounded by lands of Peter Grammar and the Lands lately purchased of Richard Pace by the said Francis Poythress.” Ff. Poythress. Wit: Peter Wynne, John (B) Bonner, Thomas Poythress. Recorded December 9, 1718. “On the back of the above Deed was an Endorsement in the Following -----. Viz: That Livery and Seisin of the Land and Premises within mentioned was by the therein named ffran. Poythress Delivered in due form of Law unto the therein named Thomas Goodwynne with Quiet and peaceable possession and Seisure of the same on the Day and year within mentioned.” ff. Poythress. [p. 269-270.]

November 11, 1718. This Indenture made this eleventh Day of November in the year of our Lord God One thousand seven hundred and eighteen between Richard Pace and Francis Poythress of the County of Prince George of the one part and Thomas Goodwynne of the County of Surry of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Richard Pace and Francis Poythress for divers good causes and considerations then thereunto moving, but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds Sterl: to them in hand paid by the said Thomas Goodwynne at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said Richard Pace and Francis Poythress doth hereby acknowledge they themselves to be therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof doth acquire release and discharge the said Thomas Goodwynne his executors hath given granted bargained sold remised, released, and for ever quitted claim, and by these presents the said Richard Pace and Francis Poythress doth for themselves their heirs executors and administrators forever give grant bargain sell remise release and for ever quit claim unto the said Thomas Goodwynne and to his heirs forever to all that seat tract parcell or dividend of land situate lying and being in the Parish of Westopher in the County of Prince George contain by estimation four hundred acres of land, be it more or less and bounded Viz: beginning at the Path on the Old Town run, where it crosses the same, leading from Old Michael Rossers plantation to Edward Goodriches plantation, and running thence Westwardly as the path leads along the said Rossers corn field fence to the upper end of the same and from thence west nineteen degrees north along a line of marked trees to a corner oak in the head of a bottom thence down that bottom by a line of marked trees to the run between Richard Paces plantation where he now lives, and the plantation whereon John Whitmore more lately lived, and so down that run to the Path at the beginning, together with Two hundred acres of land at the head of the said Richard Paces dividend, beginning at his southern corner tree and running east fifty chaines to a red oake, thence North one hundred and sixty chains to the line dividing this land from lands which did belong to Mr. Cha. Anderson Decsd: thence West fifty chains, thence South one hundred and sixty chains to the beginning. To have and to hold the said lands and premises hereby granted unto the said Thomas Goodwynne and to his heirs forever, together with all houses orchards, gardens, woods, underwoods, ways, Pastures etc. and all other the appurtenances thereon or thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, so that neither the said Richard Pace nor Francis Poythress nor their heirs nor any other person or persons whatever claiming or to claim by from or under them or either of them shall not at any time hereafter have any right title interest claims or demand of in or too the sd. Lands and premises, but that the same with every part and parcell thereof shall be and forever hereafter enure to the only sole proper use of and behoof of him the said Thomas Goodwynne and to his heirs forever. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and year first above written. Peter Wynne, John (B) Bonner, Thomas Poythress. Richd: Pace (sealed with red wax), Ff. Poythress (sealed with red wax). Recorded Dec. 9, 1718. [Westopher Parish, Pr. Geo. Co., Book 1713-1728, p. 271-272.]

December 8, 1719. Sarah Pace, wife of Richard Pace, relinquished her dower in land sold to Thomas Goodwyn. [Pr. Geo. Co., Merchants Hope, p. 302.]

This Indenture made the Ninth Day of February in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred twenty one, Between Margaret Goodrich Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Edward Goodrich late of Prince George County Dcscd: of the one part, and Abraham Odium of the County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Margaret Goodrich for divers good causes and considerations her thereunto moving and for the rents and covenants hereafter mentioned, hath let lease and to Term let, and by these presents doth let lease and to Term Let, unto the said Abraham Odium his Executors and Administrators, one certain Tract or parcel of Land Lying and Being in the Parish of Martin Brandon and County of Prince George, bounded Westerly on the old Town Run, Northerly on the Lands of Phillip Jane and Easterly on the Lands of Edward Hill dcsd. and Southerly on the main woods and the Lands of Richard Pace, containing by Estimation One hundred acres, be the same more or less, which tract and parcel of Land was formerly purchased of and conveyed by John Jane to Thomas Anderson as by a Deed for the same acknowledged and recorded in the records of Charles City County Court will appear, and by the said Anderson in his Last Will and Testament given and devised to Mary his relict during her natural life, and thereafter to come and descend to his eldest son James Anderson and his heirs forever as by the said Will proved and recorded in the records of the County Court of Prince George will appear, and by Cornelius Cargill and Mary his wife the aforesaid relict of the said Thomas Anderson, and also by the said James Anderson sold and conveyed to the aforesaid Edward Goodrich, as by Deeds for the same acknowledged and recorded in the records of the said County Court of Prince George the Fourth Day of January 1720 given to and vested in the aforesaid Margaret his Executrix to be sold for payment of his debts as by the said Will it more plainly appears. To have, use, occupy, and enjoy the said tract and parcel of Land, with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Abraham Odium and his Executors Vz: for & during the Term of one whole year to commence from the day of the date hereof, and fully to be completed and ended, yielding and paying for the same at the expiration of the Term aforesaid the Fee Rent of One Shilling Current money if the same shall be lawfully demanded unto the said Margaret Goodrich her Executors Viz: to the Intent and purpose that by Virtue of these presents and of the Statute made in the Seven and Twentyeth year of the Reign of King Henry the Eight for Transferring of uses unto possession the said Abraham Odium may be in actual and peaceable possession of the said Land and Premisses and thereby the better enabled to take and [-----] of a grant or conveyance of the Reversion and Inheritance thereof to him and by his heirs, to the Use of him his heirs and assigns for ever In Witness whereof the said Margaret Goodrich hath hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Margaret Goodrich, sealed with a wafer. Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: Richard Cureton, John Chues, Charles Ryall. At a Court held at Merchants Hope for Prince George County on the second Tuesday in February being the thirteenth day of the said month Anno Dom: 1721.The above written Deed of Lease of Land (Indented and Sealed) was in Open Court acknowledged by Margaret Goodrich the subscriber thereto to be her act and Deed to Abraham Odium named therein on whose motion the same by order of the Court is truly recorded. [Pr. Geo. Co., Book, 1713-1728, p. 516, 9 Feb 1721.]


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Charles City County, Later Prince George County, Virginia

Charles City Co./Prince George Co., VA

No in-depth maps exist for 17th century Charles City County/Prince George County, Virginia, covering the area running east and west between ...