Friday, January 20, 2023

Neighbors of Richard Pace, Sr.

The following are records for tracts of land near Richard Pace Sr.’s homestead, 140 acres given to him by Richard Baker:

Cheney Boyce patented 1550 acs., 100 acs. due as an Ancient Planter, 1450 acs. for trans 29 pers. [Nugent, “Cavaliers & Pioneers of Virginia,” Patent Book 1, p. 40, Part 1, p. 352, May 31, 1631.]

Aug. 24, 1637. Cheney Boyes, 1550 acs. Chas. City Co., p. 468. N upon lime hill Sw., W upon Merchants Hope Cr., E into the woods & S up towards the head of sd. Cr. 100 acs. due for his per. adv. as being an Ancient planter before the time of Sir Thomas Dale his Govmt, according to a charter of orders from the Late Treasurer & C. dated 18 Nov. 1618 & 1450 acs. for trans. of 29 pers. named. [Nugent, “Cavaliers & Pioneers of VA.,” p. 68; Book 1, Part 1, p. 468.]

To all to whom these presents shall come I Sir John Harvey Knight Governor &c sends &c whereas &c now know yee that I the said Sir John Harvey Knight do with the consent of the Councill of State accordingly give and grant unto Richard Milton four hundred acres of land situate lying and being in the County of Charles Citty bounded west and by south into the woods east and by north upon the Creeke north and by west upon Sergeant Richard Tisdell and south and by east upon greate Weynoake Towne the said four hundred acres of land being due unto him the said Richard Milton by and for the transportation of eight persons into this Colony whose names are in the records mentioned under this Pattent to have and to hold &c dated the third day of October 1638. Ut in alys. Andrew Parker, Christopher Stanton, Henry Palmer, William Deakes, Henry ffoster, John Hammond, Eede Davis, Hanna M-----. This pattent renewed the 23rd of August 1643 by Sir William Berkeley and a pattent of 200 acres more of Richard Tisdell of the 10th of February 1635 added unto same. 400 acres more added unto both these pattents all which are in the name of Thomas Wheeler. Test S. Abbot. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents No. 1, p. 602.]

To all to whom these presents shall come I Sir John Harvey Knight Governor &c send greeting &c whereas &c now know yee that I the said Sir John Harvey Knight do with the consent of the Councill of State accordingly give and grant unto Thomas Wheeler two hundred acres of land situate lying and being in the County of Charles Citty at the head of a Creeke called Merchants Hope Creeke bounded west and by south into the woods east and by north upon the said Creeke north and by west upon the land of Edward (Spars) (nor)th and by east by the head of the said Creeke the said two hundred acres of land being due unto him the said Thomas Wheeler by assignment from Sergeant Richard Tisdell (----) due unto him the said Richard Tisdell by and for the transportation of four persons under this pattent to have and to hold &c dated the 10th of November 1638. Ut in alys. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents No. 1, p. 621.]

To all to whom these presents shall come I Capt John West Esq. Governor et send et whereas by letters bearing date the two and twentieth day of July one thousand six hundred thirty four from the Right Honorable the Lords of his Majesties most Honorable Privie Councill their Lordships did authorize the Governor and Councill of Virginia to dispose of such portion of lands to all planters being freemen as they had power to do before the year one thousand six hundred twenty and five when according to diverse orders and constitutions inserted in a Charter from the late Treasurer and Company bearing date the eighteenth day of November one thousand six hundred and eighteen all dividents of land any ways due or belonging to any Adventurers or planters of what condition soever were to be laid out and assigned unto them according to the several conditions in the same mentioned. Now know yee that I the said Capt. John West Esq. do with the consent and of the Councill of State accordingly give and grant unto Richard Tisdall two hundred acres of land situate lying and being at the head of Merchants Hope Creeke and so running south and north along by the Creeke side and west into the woods beginning to measure two miles and a half from the dwelling house of Rice Hoe the said two hundred acres of land being due unto him the said Richard Tisdall by conveyance from Peter Hall of Blunt point which said two hundred acres of land were due unto him the said Peter Hall by and for the transportation of his own person costs and charges of four persons into this Colony whose names are in the records mentioned under this pattent to have and to hold the said two hundred acres of land with his due share of all mines and minerals all therein contained et to be held of ye said sovereign Lord the King his heirs and successors as of his Manor of East Greenwich &c yielding and paying unto ye said sovereign Lord the King his heirs and successors forever or to his or their rent gatherers &c provided a ------ that if the said Richard Tisdall his heirs and assigns shall not plant or seat or cease to be planted on the said two hundred acres of land within the term or terms of three years now next ensuing &c given at James Citty under my hand and sealed with the seal of the Colony the tenth day of ffebruary one thousand six hundred thirty five and in the xi year of the reign of ye sovereign Lord Charles now King of England. John Mowser, James Lowdon, Christopher Medralfe, Maximus Ruther. This pattent is renewed by Sir William Berkeley the xxiii of August 1643 in the name of Thomas Wheeler being purchased by him and a pattent of 400 acres purchased of Richard Milton and 400 acres added to these. Test. Samuel Abbott. [James Cty., Patents 1, p. 702.]

To all to whom these presents shall come &c whereas &c now know yee that I the said Sir William Berkeley Knight do with the advice and consent of the Councill of State accordingly give and grant unto Thomas Wheeler nyne hundred and nynety acres of land in Charles Cittie County at the head of Powells Creeke extending in breadth on the said Creeke four hundred and fifty poles due south towards the old towne north on the land of Merchants Hope west into the woods a full mile and east on the upper pte of Cheney Boyes his land over the said Creeke with marked trees on every station the said nyne hundred and ninety acres of land being due unto him the said Thomas Wheeler by and for the transportation of eight persons in this Colony whose names are in the records mentioned under this pattent and by assignment of two pattents from Richard Milton and Richard Tisdale the one of two hundred acres bearing date the tenth of ffebruary one thousand six hundred thirty five and the other of four hundred acres bearing date the third of October one thousand & six hundred thirty eight term acres remaining due to the said Thomas Wheeler upon the last person mentioned in the certificate for eight persons to have and to hold &c to be held &c yielding and paying &c which payment is to be made viz: for two hundred acres seven years after the date of the tenth of ffebruary one thousand & six hundred thirty five and four hundred acres more seven years after the date of the third of October one thousand six hundred thirty eight and for the remainder being three hundred and nynety & seven years after the date of these presents and not before &c dated the xxiii of August 1643. Thomas Smith, Jane Wright, John Markes, Peter Markes, John Hooper, Richard Hooper, Jr., Ann Colchester, Margarett Cane. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents 1, p. 893.]

To all et whereas et now know yee that I the said Sir William Berkeley do et give and grant unto Mr. Richard Tye fourteen hundred & fifty acres of land known by the name of the Old Towne above Merchants Hope lying in the woods, beginning at a place called the great Market so extending in breadth seven hundred perches at the head of Samuel Walkers land due south into the woods making a long square west towards the head of Jordaynes and Baleys Creeke east towards Wards Creeke and north on ye said Walkers, and Richard Cravens lands the height thereof into the maine woods is a mile all reduced into horizontal measure, the said land being due unto the said Richard Tye by virtue of the rights of a patent of land granted unto Chene Boys dated ye 23rd of August 1637 for fifteen hundred acres & surrendered upp into the office by the said Richard Tye who married the relict of the said Chene Boys to have and to hold et which payments to be made seven years after the date hereof or of the first grant or seating thereof et dated the 26th of October 1649. [Patents 2, p. 233-234.]

To all et whereas et now know yee that I the said Sir William Berkeley by et give and grant unto David Peoples eight hundred thirty three acres of land being up Powells Creeke at the head thereof in ye county of Charles City bounded viz: west upon Birchin Swamp south and west upon the land of Mr. Richard Tye south and east upon the woods north east upon the land of James Ward and north upon the Reedy Swamp the said land being due unto the said David Peebles by and for the transportation of seventeen persons into the Colony et to have and to hold et to be held et yielding et which payment is to be made seven years after the date hereof et dated ye 5th of August 1650. David Peebles, Tho: Liddle, Marg. Koth, William Smith, Tho: Milner, Antho: Wright, Marg. Chambers, Jane Heydon, Marg. D-------, Barbara Koth, Thomas Biggs, Mary Bayon, Aileo Berry, Wm. Peirce, Hugh Roger, Tho: Rayner, Jane Thompson. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents 2, p. 297.]

To all et whereas et now know yee that I the said Sir William Berkeley et give and grant unto Richard Tye and Charles Sparrowe two thousand five hundred acres of land situate lying and being in Charles City lying near the head of Powells Creeke adjoining to the land called Weynoake old Town beginning at certain trees called the great Market and running south along the said Tyes old divident one hundred and sixty chains thence along the said divident west one hundred twenty five chains thence south three hundred and twenty chains thence east one hundred chains thence north one hundred and sixty chains thence east two hundred twenty five chains thence north three hundred and twenty chains thence west along the land of Thomas Wheeler two hundred chains to the place where it began the said land being due unto the said Richard Tye and Charles Sparrow by and for the transportation of fifty persons into the Colony et to have and to hold et to be held et which payment is to be made seven years after the first grant thereof et dated the 12th of August 1650. Jane Peirce, Sara Cuddens, Edm: Pickory, Hen: Thurlby, Jas. Duparet, Tho: Hill, Tho: Cooke, Hen: Cruthon, ffra: Hawkwood, Wm. Symonds, Robt. Scott, Bridgett Spheere, Alex. Cager, Wm. Smith, Geo. Duglass, Tho. Duglass, Jane Duglass, Michael Huey, Eliz. Hutchinson, John Wright, Walter Sheild, Wm. Longland, Samuel Aude, Tho: Pritchett, Richard Young, Tho: Chappell, Walter Piggatt, John Marshall, Pel. Gathard, Wm. Moyle, Tho: Taylor, Wm. Kirby, John Hardway, Geo. Knighton, Richard Cooke, Robert West, John Joyce, Jane Goulding, Kath. Cooke, John Davis, Baptiscoe Corbone, Wm. Tucker, Phillip Coltrey, John Gapper, John Grand, Adie Corby, John Sexton, John Turner, John Blackard, Henry Turner. [Chas. Cty. Co., August 12, 1650, Patents 2, p. 248.]

To all et whereas et now know yee that I the said Sir William Berkeley et give and grant unto Richard Jones Clerk nine hundred and fifty acres of land, lying two miles or thereabouts from the River on the back of Merchants Hope in the County of Charles City bounded north on the said Merchants Land, west upon the land of Richard Craven south upon the ould Towne being the land of Mr. Richard Tye and east upon the land of Mr. Thomas Wheeler, the said land being due unto him the said Jones by and for the transportation of nineteen persons into the Colony et to have and to hold et to be held et which payment is to be made seven yeares after the first or sealing thereof et dated ye 30th of August 1650. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents No. 2, p. 263.]

To all et whereas et now know yee that I the said Sir William Berkeley et give and grant unto James Ward one hundred and fifty acres of land being up Powells Creeke upon a swamp issuing thereout called the Reedy Swamp being in the County of Charles City bounded viz: south and west upon the land of Mr. David Peebles east upon the woods and north upon the Reedy Swamp the said land being due unto the said James Ward by and for the transportation of three persons into the Colony et to have and to hold et which payment is to be made seven years after the first grant or seating thereof and not before et dated ye 7th June 1651, Ann Ward, James Wallis, John Cheetwood. [Chas. Cty. Co., June 7, 1651, Patents 2, p. 349.]

To all &c whereas &c now know yee that I the said Richard Bennett Esq. &c do give and grant unto Richard Jones Clerk fifteen hundred acres of land in the County of Charles Citty bounding viz: nine hundred and fifty acres part thereof being two miles or thereabouts from the River on the back of Merchants Hope north on the said Merchants land west upon the land of Richard Craven south upon the Old Towne being the land of Mr. Richard Tye land east upon the land of Thomas Wheeler and five hundred and fifty acres the residue east upon the upper ponds adjoining to his former Pattent south upon Cravens land north upon the Merchants land and southwest into the maine woods whereof the breadth of two hundred and fifty acres extendeth a mile from the ponds west and at ye breadth of three hundred acres southwest into the woods and the said land being due unto the said Richard Jones as followeth viz: nine hundred and fifty acres part thereof by a former Pattent dated the 30th of August 1650 and five hundred and fifty acres the residue by another Pattent dated the first of March 1651 repatents being had to an order of a Quarter Court for the renewing the said five hundred and fifty acres bearing date with these presents to have and to hold &c dated the 12th of March 1655. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents No. 3, p. 377.]

Charles Sparrow deeds to Elisabeth Tye the eldest dau. of Richd Tye 1,000 acs. of joint patent of 2500 acs. In case of decease of sd. Eliz. during her minority land to decend to survivors or survivor of the orphans of Capt. Richd Tye. [Fleet, Beverly Virginia Colonial Abstracts Chas. Ct. Volume 1, 1658-61, p. 55, C-11, p. 259, July 7, 1659.]

Whereas I Charles Sparrow and Capt. Richard Tye late deceased form’ly tooke up by a Joint pattent 2500 acres of land scituate and being at the old Towne neere mercht hope whereof I acknowledge the sd. Capt. Tye pro’v’d rights for 1,000 acres of the sd. land. Recorded 8th September 1659. [p. 203.]

October 10, 1659, in Charles City County, John Cogan of Merchant’s Hope, in Charles City County, surgeon, sold Anthony Wyatt, of Chaplins’ Choice, in the same County, Gentleman, for bond of £240 Sterling, dated September 1, 1659, “the plantation whereon he now dwells, 5 negro servants, crops, etc.” The witnesses were Howell Pryce and Robert Wynne. 

To all &c Whereas &c Now Know ye that I the said Sir William Berkeley Knight Governor &c give and grant unto Patrick Jackson and Richard Baker fifteen hundred acres of land lying and being in Charles City County nine hundred and fifty acres part thereof lying two miles or thereabouts from the river on the back side of Merchants Hope bounded north on the said Merchants land west on the land of Richard Craven south upon the old towne being the land of Mr. Richard Tye and east upon Mr. Thomas Wheeler and five hundred and fifty acres the residue bounded east upon the upper ponds adjoining to his former Patent south upon Craven’s land & north upon the Merchants land and southwest into the main woods whereof the breadth of two hundred and fifty acres extends there a mile from the ponds westward and at the breadth of three hundred acres southwest into the woods That said land being formerly granted unto Richard Jones by patent. Dated the twelfth of March one thousand six hundred and fifty five and by him sold unto Patrick Jackson and Richard Baker. To have and to hold &c to be held &c yielding and paying &c provided &c Dated the eighteenth of March one thousand six hundred and sixty two. [Chas. Cty. Co. Patents 5, p. 83-84.]

A Court at Westover 3 October 1665. Deed, dated 17 Nov. 1662. Thomas Crooke sells to William Tomlinson a parcel of land...(acreage not shown).... being upon the Southside of the great swampe butting Northeast upon James Wallices and South at the head of Richard Bakers and Southwest upon the side ffor a valuable consideration in hand received. Wit: Richard Taylor, Richard Pace, Thomas x Tomlinson. Thomas Crooke. Recognit Feb. 3, 1662/3. [p. 592.]

At a Court at Westover. James Wallace “w’th the consent of my wife Joane” sells to Caesar Walpole, acreage not stated, “that parcell of Land lying and being upon the branches of Powells Creeke upon the Burchin Swamp and the great Swamp and bounding upon Capt. Tye and Richard Baker at the head and upon parte of a hundred acres of Land w’ch belongs to Morgan Jones at the head of the sd. land, and at the lower end upon the hundred acres of land w’ch Mr. Banister gave to Richard Taylor next the mill called by the name of Chegoe Neck, and bounding upon a path wch form’ly run from James Wards to Bonny Coard at the head of the piney levell by the mill, the aforesd. parcell of land belonging to a divident of land of Thomas Wheeler dec’d husband to the aforesd. Joane Wallice, and in consideracon of full satisfaccon in hand rec’d I the aforesd. Wallice and Joane my wife do bind ourselves,” etc. James Wallace, Joane (M) Wallice. Wit: Rich. Taylor, Will Peebells, Richard Pace. Recognit etc. June 3, 1664. Recorded June 10, 1664. [Chas. Cty. Co. Abstract, Deed, p. 476, 19 May 1664.]

A Court held att Westov’r 4 Febr 1664/5, deed of partition dated 21 Jany 1664/5. Richard Baker and Patrick Jackson divide land patented jointly...The division line from the line of Craven against the plantacon of Mr. Cogan by Wm Harris wch line is to runn East till it mette w’th the swamp and then to include the sd swamp and run till it come to the brig going ov’r the sd swamp and runn to the howse of the sd Baker, wch line tis to be for ev’r the division w’thout any let (trespass) or hinderance trouble or molestacon...Jackson to have the land to the north of line and runn and Baker to the south...Rich’d (x) Baker, Patrick Jackson. Wit: Caesar Walpole, Richard Pace. Recorded 7 Febr 1664/5. Interlined-Acknowledged and consented to by Ann Baker, Widd., Aprill 3, 1665. [p. 533.]

To all & Whereas & Know ye that I the said Sir William Berkeley Knight Governor & give and grant unto Robert Abernathe one hundred Acres of Land in the County of Charles City and on the South Side of the James River, and on the head of the poplar run where it boundeth on the Land of James Wallis, South on the Land of Thomas Duglas, and the Quarter Land and West into the Woods and South Southwest on the head with marked trees. The said Land being part of a patent that was greater & Dividend granted to Patrick Jackson and Richard Barker and by the said Jackson out of his part sold unto the said Abernathe. To have and To hold & To be held & yielding and Paying & Provided & dated the Seventh of March one thousand six hundred and sixty five. [VA Land Office Patents No. 5, p. 567.]

Deed dated 26 June 1665. Patrick Jackson planter of Merchants Hope sells to Wm Hunt wheelewright of Buckland, Charles City County, 450 acres in Merchants Hope...adjacent land late of Richd Baker dec’d according to a late bounding survey made by Maj’r Willm Harris, the west part on the land of Mr. Jno. Cogan lately purchased of Tho Boyce, and part on the land late of Mr. James Warrandine, and Northerly part upon 200 acres now in the tenure of James Wallace and 100 acres lately purchased of the sd Jackson by Tho: Douglas and part on the land of the Merchants Hope, which land is the remainder of a dividend of 1500 acres jointly purchased by the sd Richd Baker (now dec’d) and the sd. Jackson of Mr. Richd Jones minister. Delivery by turf and twig 22 Aug. 1665. Patrik Jackson. Wit: Thomas Douglas, John (x) Rosser, Robert Simons, Howell Pryse Clk. Recognit etc 15 Sept. 1665.

A Court at Westover 3 October 1665. p. 592. Abstract. Order that Wm. Bird agent for the proprietors of Merchants Hope sign and deliver a lease to Mr. John Cogan for certain land according to a lease formerly granted to Mr. Cheney Boyce dec’d. for the same land. [Charles City County Court Orders, 1664-1696.]

To all &c now know ye that I the said Sir William Berkeley Knight Governor &c give and grant unto John Cogan six hundred and fifty acres of land lying and being in the County of Charles City and on the south side of James River beginning at a marked tree on the north of the ponds as per agreement of the said Coggan and Patrick Jackson and boundeth west over the poplar branch by the side of Jones’s level one hundred and thirty six chains and south one hundred and ninety two chains for its breadth and east one hundred and thirty six chains thence north to the place where it began. The said land being formerly granted by patent unto Mr. Richard Craven deceased and by lenial descent from him to his grand child Emelia now the wife of Thomas Boyce who with the said wife’s consent transfered the same to the said Coggan and his heirs. To have and to hold &c to be held &c yielding and paying &c provided &c provided &c dated the twelfth of October one thousand six hundred and sixty five. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents No. 5, p. 511.]

To all &c whereas &c now know ye that I the said Sir William Berkeley Knight Governor &c give and grant unto Morgan Jones one hundred acres of land in the County of Charles City and on the south side of James River bounding viz: south along the line of Thomas Crooke three hundred and twenty poles east fifty poles north three hundred twenty poles crossing the Great swamp at the mouth of the Cross swamp west to Crooks line fifty poles being a part of a dividend formerly granted unto Richard Baker and Patrick Jackson. To have and to hold &c to be held &c yielding and paying &c &c provided &c dated the thirteenth of October one thousand six hundred and sixty five. [Chas. Cty. Co., Patents No. 5, p. 511-512.]

John Cogan, Octr. 13, 1665. 100 acres on the south side of James river adjoining the land of Thomas Cooke thence & crossing the great swamp at the mouth of the Cross swamp. [Chas. Cty. Co., Deeds, p. 511.]


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Charles City County, Later Prince George County, Virginia

Charles City Co./Prince George Co., VA

No in-depth maps exist for 17th century Charles City County/Prince George County, Virginia, covering the area running east and west between ...