Sunday, September 22, 2024

Rebecca Poythress and Richard Pace: Was there a Marriage?

For over 50 years, there have been many researchers and descendants of Rebecca Poythress and Richard Pace who believed that a marriage did take place between these two. David Avent and Bruce Howard categorically denied that any event ever occurred. Avent and Howard based their decisions on a 1711 deed between 51 year old Rebecca Coggin Poythress Bartholomew and her daughter, Rebecca Poythress, who was 31 years old and on a 1721 deed of sale by Rebecca Poythress' half-sister, Anne Bartholomew Green, to Robert Hunnicutt, when Rebecca was 41 years old.

Based upon Avent's and Howard's statements, Rebecca Poythress, a daughter from a prominent Virginia family, never married.

Additionally, there are many genealogy sites that perpetuate misinformation regarding Rebecca and her half-sister, Anne, and the Poythress and Pace families. While this may mislead researchers and descendants, it is a big business. There is very little one can do to correct all of the misinformation. 

First and foremost, the following chart presents the maternal side of Rebecca Poythress' family as accurately as can be accomplished based upon extant records and deductive reasoning.

It is imperative that one understand who the major players were in Rebecca Poythress' life and in Richard and Rebecca Pace's lives. Families tended to live nearby and neighbors married neighbors in the late 17th and early 18th century. Many husbands and wives knew each other for years before they married.

John Pace, Richard's brother, was an Indian trader as were several of Rebecca Poythress' family members. Some of Rebecca's family members were paid Indian interpreters and messengers or agents for the Virginia colony. Richard Pace was either an Indian trader or heavily involved in the trade business. He continued to move to the "frontier" as soon as the governing powers allowed. He was also a land speculator as were many of the Poythress men. He never identified himself as a "planter" or "farmer."

The following posts, I thru IV, are an in-depth study to identify Richard Pace's wife. Though Avent and Howard strongly denied a wedding between Richard Pace and Rebecca Poythress, this study may offer a rebuttal.


Charles City County, Later Prince George County, Virginia

Charles City Co. to Prince George Co., VA

No in-depth maps exist for 17th century Charles City County/Prince George County, Virginia, covering the area running east and west between ...